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to have a hair's breadth escape

  • 1 hair's breadth

    Haaresbreite f;
    by a \hair's breadth um Haaresbreite;
    she came within a \hair's breadth of losing her life um ein Haar hätte sie ihr Leben verloren;
    to be within a \hair's breadth of disaster/ ruin einer Katastrophe/dem Ruin nahe sein, am Rande einer Katastrophe/des Ruins stehen adj
    attr haarbreit;
    to have a \hair's breadth escape mit knapper Not entkommen [o davonkommen];
    \hair's breadth finish [äußerst] knapper Endspurt;
    \hair's breadth victory hauchdünner Sieg

    English-German students dictionary > hair's breadth

  • 2 hair's breadth

    /'heəbredθ/ Cách viết khác: (hair's_breadth) /'heəzbredθ/ * danh từ - đường tơ sợi tóc, một li, một tí =by (within) a hairbreadth of dealth+ chỉ một tí nữa thì chết * tính từ - suýt nữa, tí xíu =to have a hairbreadth escape+ suýt nữa thì bị tóm, may mà thoát được

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > hair's breadth

  • 3 hairbreadth, hair's-breadth

    [hʌ/əbredm, hʌ/ezbredm]
    malenkostna razdalja; figuratively za dlako, za las
    by ( —ali within) a hairbreadth, hair's-breadthza las
    to have a hairbreadth, hair's-breadth escapeza las uiti

    English-Slovenian dictionary > hairbreadth, hair's-breadth

  • 4 ♦ hair

    ♦ hair /hɛə(r)/
    1 [u] capelli (pl.); capigliatura; chioma (lett.): curly [white] hair, capelli ricci [bianchi]; to have long [red] hair, avere i capelli lunghi [rossi]; fair hair, capelli biondi; short hair, capelli corti; thick hair, capelli folti; wavy hair, capelli ondulati; straight hair, capelli lisci; to brush one's hair, spazzolarsi i capelli; to comb one's hair, pettinarsi; to do one's hair, acconciarsi i capelli; farsi la messa in piega; to pull sb. 's hair, tirare i capelli a q.; to ruffle sb. 's hair, scompigliare i capelli a q.; He ran his fingers through his hair, si passò le dita tra i capelli; to have one's hair cut, farsi tagliare i capelli; to have one's hair done, farsi fare la messa in piega; DIALOGO → - New haircut- Where did you get your hair done?, dove ti sei fatta fare i capelli?; DIALOGO → - New haircut- Your hair looks nice, i tuoi capelli stanno bene; to lose one's hair, perdere i capelli
    2 [u] peli (pl.), peluria ( sul corpo); pelame, pelo ( di animale, di pianta): legs covered in hair, gambe coperte di peli; soft hair, peluria; pelame morbido; rabbit hair, pelo di coniglio; a good coat of hair, un bel pelo (o pelame); underarm hair, peli sotto le ascelle
    3 capello; pelo: There's a hair on your sleeve, hai un capello sulla manica
    4 (mus.: di archetto) crine
    5 a hair, un nonnulla; un filo; un pelo: Don't change a hair of it!, non cambiarne un solo filo!
    6 [u] (ind. tess.) crine: a hair mattress, un materasso di crine
    hair-bandhairband □ hair-carehaircare □ hair clip, molletta per capelli; forcina □ hair-clipper, tosatrice, macchinetta □ hair conditioner, balsamo per i capelli □ hair consultant, tricologo □ hair-curlers, bigodini □ hair-curling = hair-raising ► sotto □ hair-dye, tintura per capelli □ hair graft, innesto (o trapianto) di capelli □ (bot.) hair grass, agrostide □ (fig. fam.) a (o the) hair of the dog ( that bit you), un bicchierino di alcol per curare i postumi di una sbornia □ hair oil, unguento per capelli; brillantina □ hair plugs, impianti di capelli; ciocche impiantate □ hair powder, cipria per capelli □ (fam.) hair-raising, che fa rizzare i capelli; terrificante; spaventoso □ hair remover, depilatore □ hair restorer, rigeneratore per capelli □ hair rollers, bigodini □ hair's breadth, un capello, un filo, un pelo (fig.); un millimetro; un niente: He missed me by a hair's breadth, mi ha mancato per un pelo (o di un niente); He came within a hair's breadth of winning, fu lì lì per vincere; non vinse per un pelo; to a hair's breadth, al capello; al millimetro □ hair's-breadth, (a. attr.) per un pelo (fig.); miracoloso: a hair's-breadth escape, un salvataggio miracoloso; to have a hair's breadth escape, salvarsi per un pelo (o per il rotto della cuffia) □ hair setting, messa in piega □ hair shirt, camicia di crine; cilicio □ (GB) hair slide, fermacapelli □ (tipogr.) hair space, spazio piccolissimo (spec. di mezzo punto o di un punto) □ hair-splitter, uno che spacca il capello in quattro; cavillatore; pignolo □ hair-splitting, (sost.) meticolosità, pedanteria, pignoleria; (agg.) meticoloso, pedante, pignolo □ hair-sprayhairspray □ hair-stroke, filetto ( nella scrittura); (tipogr.) grazia □ hair stylisthairstylist □ hair trigger, grilletto ( d'arma da fuoco) assai sensibile □ hair-trigger (agg.), immediato; istantaneo; che scatta all'istante: to have a hair-trigger temper, scattare per un nonnulla □ hair-wave, messa in piega □ (zool.) hair-worm, nematomorfo □ against the hair, contropelo; (fig.) controvoglia, contro la propria inclinazione □ (fam.) a bad hair day, una giornata in cui va tutto storto; una giornata no □ to dress sb. 's hair, pettinare q. (spec. una donna) □ (fam.) to be (o to get) in sb. 's hair, dare fastidio a q.; essere tra i piedi di q.; rompere le scatole a q. (fam.) □ not to harm a single hair of (o on) sb. 's head, non torcere un capello a q. not to have a hair out of place, non avere un capello fuori posto; avere un aspetto impeccabile □ (fam.) to have sb. by the short hairs, tenere q. in pugno □ (fam. GB) to keep one's hair on, stare calmo; non scaldarsi □ to let one's hair down, sciogliersi i capelli; (fig.) lasciarsi andare, rilassarsi □ (fam.) to make sb. 's hair curl, far inorridire q.; orripilare q. to make sb. 's hair stand on end, far rizzare i capelli a q. ( per lo spavento); terrorizzare q. to pull one's hair out = to tear one's hair out ► sotto □ to put one's hair up, raccogliere i capelli in uno chignon; tirarsi su i capelli; (fig. antiq.: di una ragazza) diventare donna, entrare in società □ to set one's hair, farsi la messa in piega □ to split hairs, spaccare il capello in quattro; cercare il pelo nell'uovo □ to tear one's hair out, strapparsi i capelli; (fig.) essere disperato, mettersi le mani nei capelli, strapparsi i capelli □ to a hair, al capello, alla perfezione, esattamente: You've described him to a hair, l'hai descritto alla perfezione □ not to turn a hair, non batter ciglio; restare impassibile.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ hair

  • 5 hair

    [heə(r)] 1.
    1) U (collectively) (human) (on head) capelli m.pl., capigliatura f.; (on body) peli m.pl.; (of animal) pelo m., pelame m.
    2) (individually) (human) (on head) capello m.; (on body) pelo m.; (animal) pelo m.

    long-, short-haired — [ person] dai capelli lunghi, corti; [ animal] dal pelo lungo, corto

    modificatore [ conditioner] per capelli; [ transplant] di capelli; [ follicle] pilifero

    hair cream — gommina, gel per capelli


    by a hair by a hair's breadth per un pelo; to have a hair's breadth escape salvarsi per un pelo o per il rotto della cuffia; he didn't turn a hair non ha fatto una piega, non ha battuto ciglio; it made my hair stand on end mi ha fatto rizzare i capelli; keep your hair on! BE colloq. stai calmo! non preoccuparti! to get in sb.'s hair colloq. stare tra i piedi a qcn.; to have sb. by the short hairs AE pop. tenere qcn. in pugno; to let one's hair down colloq. rilassarsi, lasciarsi andare; to split hairs spaccare il capello in quattro; to tear one's hair out strapparsi i capelli; you need a hair of the dog (that bit you) — = hai bisogno di un bicchierino di liquore per farti passare la sbronza

    * * *
    [heə] 1. noun
    1) (one of the mass of thread-like objects that grow from the skin: He brushed the dog's hairs off his jacket.) pelo
    2) (the mass of these, especially on a person's head: He's got brown hair.) capelli
    - - haired
    - hairy
    - hairiness
    - hair's-breadth
    - hair-breadth
    - hairbrush
    - haircut
    - hair-do
    - hairdresser
    - hairdressing
    - hair-drier
    - hairline
    - hair-oil
    - hairpin
    2. adjective
    ((of a bend in a road) sharp and U-shaped, especially on a mountain or a hill.) a zigzag
    - hairstyle
    - keep one's hair on
    - let one's hair down
    - make someone's hair stand on end
    - make hair stand on end
    - not to turn a hair
    - turn a hair
    - split hairs
    - tear one's hair
    * * *
    [heə(r)] 1.
    1) U (collectively) (human) (on head) capelli m.pl., capigliatura f.; (on body) peli m.pl.; (of animal) pelo m., pelame m.
    2) (individually) (human) (on head) capello m.; (on body) pelo m.; (animal) pelo m.

    long-, short-haired — [ person] dai capelli lunghi, corti; [ animal] dal pelo lungo, corto

    modificatore [ conditioner] per capelli; [ transplant] di capelli; [ follicle] pilifero

    hair cream — gommina, gel per capelli


    by a hair by a hair's breadth per un pelo; to have a hair's breadth escape salvarsi per un pelo o per il rotto della cuffia; he didn't turn a hair non ha fatto una piega, non ha battuto ciglio; it made my hair stand on end mi ha fatto rizzare i capelli; keep your hair on! BE colloq. stai calmo! non preoccuparti! to get in sb.'s hair colloq. stare tra i piedi a qcn.; to have sb. by the short hairs AE pop. tenere qcn. in pugno; to let one's hair down colloq. rilassarsi, lasciarsi andare; to split hairs spaccare il capello in quattro; to tear one's hair out strapparsi i capelli; you need a hair of the dog (that bit you) — = hai bisogno di un bicchierino di liquore per farti passare la sbronza

    English-Italian dictionary > hair

  • 6 escape

    1. noun
    1) (lit. or fig.) Flucht, die ( from aus); (from prison) Ausbruch, der ( from aus)

    there is no escape(lit. or fig.) es gibt kein Entkommen

    escape vehicle — Fluchtfahrzeug, das

    make one's escape [from something] — [aus etwas] entkommen

    2) (leakage of gas etc.) Austritt, der; Entweichen, das
    2. intransitive verb
    1) (lit. or fig.) fliehen ( from aus); entfliehen (geh.) ( from Dat.); (successfully) entkommen ( from Dat.); (from prison) ausbrechen ( from aus); [Großtier:] ausbrechen; [Kleintier:] entlaufen ( from Dat.); [Vogel:] entfliegen ( from Dat.)

    escaped prisoner/convict — entflohener Gefangener/Sträfling

    2) (leak) [Gas:] ausströmen; [Flüssigkeit:] auslaufen
    3) (avoid harm) davonkommen

    escape alivemit dem Leben davonkommen

    press escape — ‘Escape’ drücken

    3. transitive verb
    1) entkommen (+ Dat.) [Verfolger, Angreifer, Feind]; entgehen (+ Dat.) [Bestrafung, Gefangennahme, Tod, Entdeckung]; verschont bleiben von [Katastrophe, Krankheit, Zerstörung, Auswirkungen]
    2) (not be remembered by) entfallen sein (+ Dat.)

    escape somebody['s notice] — (not be seen) jemandem entgehen

    escape noticenicht bemerkt werden

    * * *
    [i'skeip] 1. verb
    1) (to gain freedom: He escaped from prison.) entkommen
    2) (to manage to avoid (punishment, disease etc): She escaped the infection.) entgehen
    3) (to avoid being noticed or remembered by; to avoid (the observation of): The fact escaped me / my notice; His name escapes me / my memory.) entfallen
    4) ((of a gas, liquid etc) to leak; to find a way out: Gas was escaping from a hole in the pipe.) ausströmen
    2. noun
    ((act of) escaping; state of having escaped: Make your escape while the guard is away; There have been several escapes from that prison; Escape was impossible; The explosion was caused by an escape of gas.) die Flucht, das Entweichen
    - academic.ru/24972/escapism">escapism
    - escapist
    * * *
    [ɪˈskeɪp, esˈ-]
    I. vi
    1. ( also fig: get away) fliehen, flüchten; (successfully) entkommen; (from a cage, prison) ausbrechen, entfliehen; dog, cat entlaufen; bird entfliegen
    he managed to \escape from the burning car es gelang ihr, sich aus dem brennenden Auto zu befreien
    he was shot while trying to \escape er wurde bei dem Versuch zu fliehen erschossen
    \escaped convict entflohener Häftling
    to \escape into a dream world sich akk in eine Traumwelt flüchten
    to \escape from sb vor jdm fliehen [o flüchten] dat; (successfully) jdm entkommen
    to \escape from sth a place aus etw dat fliehen; (successfully) aus etw dat entkommen
    to \escape from prison aus dem Gefängnis ausbrechen
    2. (avoid harm) davonkommen
    the driver was killed, but she \escaped der Fahrer wurde getötet, aber sie kam mit dem Leben davon
    to \escape with one's life mit dem Leben davonkommen
    to \escape unhurt unverletzt bleiben
    3. (run wild) animal, plant verwildern
    4. (leak) entweichen, austreten; gas also ausströmen; liquid also auslaufen
    gas/oil was escaping from the crack aus dem Riss strömte Gas/lief Öl [aus]
    hit [or press] E\escape drücken Sie die Escapetaste
    to \escape from [or out of] a program ein Programm verlassen
    to \escape from [or out of] a window ein Fenster schließen
    II. vt
    1. (get away from)
    to \escape sth a place aus etw dat fliehen [o flüchten]; (successfully) aus etw dat entkommen; ( fig)
    to \escape from reality/a situation der Realität/einer Situation entfliehen geh
    to \escape the boredom of every day life der Langweile des Alltags entfliehen geh
    to \escape the danger/fire der Gefahr/dem Feuer entkommen
    to \escape sb vor jdm fliehen [o flüchten]; (successfully) jdm entkommen
    to \escape police der Polizei entkommen
    to \escape sth etw dat entgehen
    there's no escaping death and taxes nur zwei Dinge auf Erden sind uns sicher: der Tod und die Steuer
    we won't \escape paying the local rate wir werden nicht darum herumkommen, die Gemeindesteuer zu zahlen
    she was lucky to \escape serious injury sie hatte Glück, dass sie nicht ernsthaft verletzt wurde
    there's no escaping the fact that... es lässt sich nicht leugnen, dass...
    to [narrowly] \escape death [nur knapp] dem Tod entrinnen
    to [narrowly] \escape a fine [gerade noch] an einer Strafe vorbeikommen
    to \escape punishment einer Bestrafung entgehen
    3. (not be observed or remembered)
    sth \escapes sb:
    I'm afraid your name \escapes me ich fürchte, ich habe Ihren Namen vergessen
    his address \escapes me seine Adresse ist mir entfallen [o fällt mir nicht ein]
    to \escape sb's attention [or notice] jds Aufmerksamkeit entgehen
    4. (be emitted)
    to \escape sb jdm entfahren; words also jdm entschlüpfen [o fam herausrutschen]
    a cry \escaped him ihm entfuhr ein Schrei
    a groan \escaped her lips ein Stöhnen kam über ihre Lippen
    a sob \escaped his lips ein Seufzer entfuhr ihm
    III. n
    1. ( also fig: act of escaping) Flucht f a. fig
    for her travel was an \escape from the boredom of her everyday life mit ihren Reisen konnte sie der Langeweile des Alltags entfliehen geh
    romantic novels provide an \escape from reality mit Liebesromanen kann man der Realität entfliehen geh [o aus der Realität abtauchen]
    the gang had made their \escape die Bande war abgehauen fam
    \escape from a prison Ausbruch m aus einem Gefängnis
    \escape route Fluchtweg
    to make [good] one's \escape from sth aus etw dat fliehen [o ausbrechen] m
    2. no pl (avoidance) Entkommen nt, Entrinnen nt
    it was a lucky \escape! da haben wir wirklich noch einmal Glück gehabt!
    what a hair's-breadth \escape! das ist ja gerade noch mal gutgegangen!
    there's no \escape daran führt kein Weg vorbei
    there was no hope of \escape from her disastrous marriage sie hatte keine Hoffnung, aus ihrer katastrophalen Ehe herauszukommen
    to have a narrow \escape gerade noch einmal davongekommen sein
    3. (leakage) Austreten nt kein pl, Entweichen nt kein pl; of gas, smoke also Ausströmen nt kein pl; of liquids also Ausfließen nt kein pl
    4. (plant) verwilderte Pflanze; (animal) verwildertes Haustier
    * * *
    1. vi
    1) (= get away) flüchten, fliehen (from aus), entfliehen (geh) (
    from +dat); (from pursuers, captivity) entkommen ( from +dat); (from prison, camp, cage, stall etc) ausbrechen (from aus); (bird) entfliegen ( from +dat); (water) auslaufen (from aus); (gas) ausströmen (from aus)

    to stop the prisoners escapingum Gefängnisausbrüche zu verhindern

    an escaped prisoner/tiger — ein entflohener Häftling/entsprungener Tiger

    he escaped from the fire —

    I've got you now, she said, and I won't let you escape I just feel I have to escape from this place — jetzt habe ich dich, sagte sie, und du entkommst mir so schnell nicht ich habe einfach das Gefühl, dass ich hier wegmuss

    she has to be able to escape from her family sometimessie muss ab und zu die Möglichkeit haben, ihrer Familie zu entfliehen

    a room which I can escape to — ein Zimmer, in das ich mich zurückziehen kann

    it's no good trying to escape from the worldes hat keinen Zweck, vor der Welt fliehen zu wollen

    he's trying to escape from life on the streets — er versucht, von dem Leben auf der Straße wegzukommen

    2) (= get off, be spared) davonkommen

    these cuts will affect everyone, nobody will escape — diese Kürzungen betreffen alle, keiner wird ungeschoren davonkommen

    the others were killed, but he escaped — die anderen wurden getötet, aber er kam mit dem Leben davon

    2. vt
    1) pursuers entkommen (+dat)
    2) (= avoid) consequences, punishment, disaster, detection entgehen (+dat)

    but you can't escape the fact that... — aber du kannst nicht leugnen or abstreiten, dass...


    (= be unnoticed, forgotten by) his name escapes me — sein Name ist mir entfallen


    the thoughtless words which escaped me — die unbedachten Worte, die mir herausgerutscht or entfahren sind

    3. n
    1) (from prison etc) Ausbruch m, Flucht f; (= attempted escape) Ausbruchsversuch m, Fluchtversuch m; (from a country) Flucht f (from aus); (fig, from reality, one's family etc) Flucht f (from vor)

    to make one's escape — ausbrechen, entfliehen

    with this security system escape is impossibledieses Sicherheitssystem macht Ausbrechen unmöglich

    what are their chances of escape? —

    there's been an escape from London Zooaus dem Londoner Zoo ist ein Tier ausgebrochen

    fishing/music is his escape —

    2) (of water) Ausfließen nt; (of gas) Ausströmen nt; (of steam, gas, in a machine) Entweichen nt
    3) (COMPUT)
    * * *
    escape [ıˈskeıp]
    A v/t
    1. jemandem entfliehen, -kommen, -rinnen, -wischen
    2. einer Sache entgehen:
    escape destruction der Zerstörung entgehen;
    a) unaufgeklärt bleiben,
    b) nicht entdeckt werden;
    escape being laughed at der Gefahr entgehen, ausgelacht zu werden;
    there is no escaping the fact that … man kommt um die Tatsache nicht herum, dass …;
    he narrowly escaped death, he just escaped being killed er entging knapp dem Tode;
    she narrowly escaped being drowned sie wäre um ein Haar ertrunken;
    I cannot escape the impression that … ich kann mich des Eindrucks nicht erwehren, dass …;
    escape sb’s attention jemandes Aufmerksamkeit entgehen; notice A 1
    3. jemandem entgehen, übersehen oder nicht verstanden werden von jemandem:
    that mistake escaped me dieser Fehler entging mir;
    the sense escapes me der Sinn leuchtet mir nicht ein
    4. dem Gedächtnis entfallen:
    his name escapes me sein Name ist mir entfallen oder fällt mir im Moment nicht ein
    5. jemandem entschlüpfen, -fahren (Fluch etc)
    B v/i
    1. (ent)fliehen, entrinnen, entwischen, -laufen, -weichen, -kommen ( alle:
    from aus, dat):
    escape from reality vor der Wirklichkeit fliehen;
    there was no escaping es gab kein Entrinnen
    2. sich retten ( from vor dat), (ungestraft oder mit dem Leben) davonkommen:
    he escaped with a fright (with his life) er kam mit dem Schrecken (mit dem Leben) davon; scot-free 1, 2
    3. a) ausfließen (Flüssigkeit etc)
    b) entweichen, ausströmen, austreten ( alle:
    from aus) (Gas etc)
    4. verwildern (Pflanzen)
    C s
    1. Entrinnen n, -weichen n, -kommen n, Flucht f ( from aus, vor dat):
    escape from reality Wirklichkeitsflucht;
    there were two escapes from this prison yesterday gestern sind aus diesem Gefängnis zwei Gefangene entwichen;
    there is no escape from this place von hier gibt es kein Entrinnen;
    have a narrow ( oder near) (hairbreadth) escape mit knapper Not (um Haaresbreite) davonkommen oder entkommen;
    that was a narrow escape das ist gerade noch einmal gut gegangen!, das hätte ins Auge gehen können!, das war knapp!;
    make one’s escape entweichen, sich aus dem Staub machen umg
    2. Rettung f, Bewahrtwerden n ( from vor dat):
    (way of) escape Ausweg m
    3. a) Fluchtmittel n
    b) Fluchtweg m
    4. a) Ausfluss m
    b) Entweichen n, Ausströmen n, Austritt m ( alle:
    from aus):
    escape of gas Gasaustritt
    5. BIOL verwilderte Gartenpflanze, Kulturflüchtling m
    6. fig Unterhaltung f, (Mittel n der) Entspannung f oder Zerstreuung f oder Ablenkung f:
    as an escape zur Entspannung;
    escape reading, escape literature Unterhaltungsliteratur f
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (lit. or fig.) Flucht, die ( from aus); (from prison) Ausbruch, der ( from aus)

    there is no escape(lit. or fig.) es gibt kein Entkommen

    escape vehicle — Fluchtfahrzeug, das

    make one's escape [from something] — [aus etwas] entkommen

    2) (leakage of gas etc.) Austritt, der; Entweichen, das
    2. intransitive verb
    1) (lit. or fig.) fliehen ( from aus); entfliehen (geh.) ( from Dat.); (successfully) entkommen ( from Dat.); (from prison) ausbrechen ( from aus); [Großtier:] ausbrechen; [Kleintier:] entlaufen ( from Dat.); [Vogel:] entfliegen ( from Dat.)

    escaped prisoner/convict — entflohener Gefangener/Sträfling

    2) (leak) [Gas:] ausströmen; [Flüssigkeit:] auslaufen
    3) (avoid harm) davonkommen

    press escape — ‘Escape’ drücken

    3. transitive verb
    1) entkommen (+ Dat.) [Verfolger, Angreifer, Feind]; entgehen (+ Dat.) [Bestrafung, Gefangennahme, Tod, Entdeckung]; verschont bleiben von [Katastrophe, Krankheit, Zerstörung, Auswirkungen]
    2) (not be remembered by) entfallen sein (+ Dat.)

    escape somebody['s notice] — (not be seen) jemandem entgehen

    * * *
    Flucht -en f. (from) v.
    entwischen v. v.
    entfliehen v.
    entgehen v.
    entkommen v.
    entweichen v.

    English-german dictionary > escape

  • 7 escape

    es·cape [ɪʼskeɪp, esʼ-] vi
    1) (get free, flee) [ent]fliehen, entkommen;
    to \escape from sb jdm entkommen
    to \escape from a program ein Programm verlassen
    to \escape with one's life mit dem Leben davonkommen vt
    1) ( avoid)
    to \escape sth etw dat entkommen;
    we won't \escape paying the local rate wir werden nicht darum herumkommen, die Gemeindesteuer zu zahlen;
    there's no escaping death and taxes am Tod und an den Steuern kommt keiner vorbei;
    there's no escaping the fact that... eines ist sicher -...
    to \escape sth etw dat entgehen;
    I'm afraid your name \escapes me ich fürchte, ich habe Ihren Namen vergessen;
    to \escape sb's attention [or notice] jds Aufmerksamkeit entgehen
    to \escape sb jdm entfahren [o entschlüpfen];
    a cry \escaped him ihm entfuhr ein Schrei n
    1) ( act of escaping) Flucht f;
    \escape from a prison Ausbruch m aus einem Gefängnis;
    to make [good] one's \escape from sth aus etw dat [ent]fliehen [o ausbrechen];
    2) ( avoidance) Entkommen nt, Entrinnen nt;
    to have a narrow \escape gerade noch einmal davongekommen sein;
    what a hair's-breadth \escape! das ist ja gerade noch mal gut gegangen!
    3) ( leakage) Austreten nt, Entweichen nt; (of gas, smoke) Ausströmen nt
    4) law
    \escape clause Rücktrittsklausel f
    there's no \escape daran führt kein Weg vorbei

    English-German students dictionary > escape

  • 8 hair

    1. косъм, косъмче, влакно, влакънце, власинка
    2. събир. коса, козина, руно, четина
    to lose one's HAIR пада ми/окапва ми косата, прен. разядосвам се, кипвам
    to wear one's own HAIR не нося перука
    against the HAIR срещу косъма, прен. не по вкуса (на някого)
    to lift someone's HAIR ам. скалпирам някого
    to a HAIR, to the turn of a HAIR съвсем точно, досуш
    by a HAIR ам. едва-едва
    not to turn a HAIR прен. окото ми не мига, не трепвам
    to have/get someone by the short HAIRs държа някого във властта си, вземам решителни мерки против някого
    to keep one's HAIR on sl. запазвам спокойствие, не се горещя
    to let one's HAIR down разпускам си косата, прен. отпускам се, преставам да се държа официално, разпускам се, държа се разпуснато
    to escape by a HAIR's breadth едва се измъквам/успявам да избягам
    * * *
    {hЁъ} n 1. косъм, косъмче, влакно, влакънце; власинка; 2. сьбир.
    * * *
    четина; руно; влакно; власинка; козина; коса; косъм;
    * * *
    1. against the hair срещу косъма, прен. не по вкуса (на някого) 2. by a hair ам. едва-едва 3. not to turn a hair прен. окото ми не мига, не трепвам 4. to a hair, to the turn of a hair съвсем точно, досуш 5. to escape by a hair's breadth едва се измъквам/успявам да избягам 6. to have/get someone by the short hairs държа някого във властта си, вземам решителни мерки против някого 7. to keep one's hair on sl. запазвам спокойствие, не се горещя 8. to let one's hair down разпускам си косата, прен. отпускам се, преставам да се държа официално, разпускам се, държа се разпуснато 9. to lift someone's hair ам. скалпирам някого 10. to lose one's hair пада ми/окапва ми косата, прен. разядосвам се, кипвам 11. to wear one's own hair не нося перука 12. косъм, косъмче, влакно, влакънце, власинка 13. събир. коса, козина, руно, четина
    * * *
    hair[hɛə] I. n 1. косъм; косъмче, влакно, влакънце; власинка; въ́лна; to a \hair, to the turn of a \hair съвсем точно, досущ; not a \hair out of place безупречен, изтупан; not to turn a \hair прен. окото ми не мига, не трепвам; get in s.o.'s \hair разг. лазя по нервите; to get out of s.o.'s \hair преставам да лазя по нечии нерви; keep o.'s \hair on разг. запазвам спокойствие; to split \hairs споря за дреболии, търся под вола теле; to take a \hair of the dog that bit you каквато болестта, такова и лекарството (обикн. за махмурлия); a \hair's breadth съвсем малко разстояние; by a \hair's breadth прен. едва-едва, насмалко не, на косъм; to have s.o. by the short \hairs държа някого във властта си, в ръцете си; вземам решителни мерки против някого; to wear a \hair shirt ограничавам се, не си позволявам никакви удоволствия; живея като отшелник; to put \hairs on s.o.' s chest много съм силен (за алкохол), хранителен съм (за храна); grey \hairs бели коси, старост; 2. събир. коса; козина, четина, руно; to have ( get) o.'s \hair cut ( done) подстригвам се; to put up ( do up) o.'s \hair прибирам си косата (на кок); to tear ( pull) o.'s \hair скубя си косата; to make s.o.'s \hair stand on end карам да настръхне косата на някого; to make s.o.'s \hair curl прен. ужасявам, изумявам, поразявам, шокирам някого; to lose o.'s \hair опадва (окапва) ми косата, оплешивявам; ядосвам се, кипвам, изгубвам хладнокръвие; to let o.'s \hair down прен. разпускам, отпускам се; a bush ( shock, head) of \hair гъсти коси, "грива"; a fell of \hair несресани коси (кичур); Judas \hair червеникава коса; 3. тънка жичка; 4. текст. мъх (на плат); 5. тех. нишка, жичка (в оптичен уред); II. v 1. щавя кожа; 2. муз. слагам косми на лък.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > hair

  • 9 escape

    [i'skeip] 1. verb
    1) (to gain freedom: He escaped from prison.) pobegniti
    2) (to manage to avoid (punishment, disease etc): She escaped the infection.) izogniti se
    3) (to avoid being noticed or remembered by; to avoid (the observation of): The fact escaped me / my notice; His name escapes me / my memory.) uiti
    4) ((of a gas, liquid etc) to leak; to find a way out: Gas was escaping from a hole in the pipe.) uhajati
    2. noun
    ((act of) escaping; state of having escaped: Make your escape while the guard is away; There have been several escapes from that prison; Escape was impossible; The explosion was caused by an escape of gas.) pobeg; uhajanje
    - escapist
    * * *
    I [iskéip]
    pobeg, odrešitev, osvoboditev; iztekanje, uhajanje, izhlapevanje; izhod v sili; podivjana vrtna rastlina
    to make one's escape — zbežati, rešiti se
    fire escape — požarne stopnice, požarna lestev
    escape literature — literatura, ki omogoča umik iz realnosti
    II [iskéip]
    intransitive verb
    zbežati, izpuhtevati, izhlapevati, izginiti; rešiti se; podivjati (rastlina);
    transitive verb
    izogibati se komu, uiti
    your point escapes — me kaj ste hoteli reči?, ne razumem vas

    English-Slovenian dictionary > escape

  • 10 hair breadth

    s sasvim neznatan razmak, širina dlake / to have a # escape = umaknuti (nevolji) za dlaku

    English-Croatian dictionary > hair breadth

  • 11 hair-breadth

    s sasvim neznatan razmak, širina dlake / to have a # escape = umaknuti (nevolji) za dlaku

    English-Croatian dictionary > hair-breadth

  • 12 hairs breadth

    I. n Haaresbreite f
    by a \hairs breadth um Haaresbreite
    she came within a \hairs breadth of losing her life um ein Haar hätte sie ihr Leben verloren
    to be within a \hairs breadth of disaster/ruin einer Katastrophe/dem Ruin nahe sein, am Rande einer Katastrophe/des Ruins stehen
    II. adj attr haarbreit
    to have a \hairs breadth escape mit knapper Not entkommen [o davonkommen]
    \hairs breadth finish [äußerst] knapper Endspurt
    \hairs breadth victory hauchdünner Sieg

    English-german dictionary > hairs breadth

  • 13 cuffia

    f da piscina swimming cap
    radio, television headphones pl
    cuffia da bagno shower cap
    * * *
    cuffia s.f.
    1 cap; ( da donna) bonnet: cuffia da bagno, bathing-cap; cuffia da neonato, baby's cap; (ant.) baby's bonnet; cuffia da notte, nightcap // uscire per il rotto della cuffia, to escape by the skin of one's teeth
    2 (rad., tel.) headphones (pl.), headset, earphones (pl.): sentire la musica in cuffia, to listen to music on headphones
    3 (mecc.) casing, shroud
    4 (teatr.) cuffia del suggeritore, (top of) prompter's box
    5 (bot.) root cap.
    * * *
    sostantivo femminile
    2) (d'ascolto) headphones pl., earphones pl., headset

    cuffia da bagno — bathing cap, swimming cap BE


    cavarsela, salvarsi per il rotto della cuffia — to escape by the skin of one's teeth, to have a hair's breadth escape, to have a narrow o lucky escape

    * * *
    sostantivo f.
     1 (copricapo) bonnet; (da infermiera) cap
     2 (d'ascolto) headphones pl., earphones pl., headset
    cavarsela, salvarsi per il rotto della cuffia to escape by the skin of one's teeth, to have a hair's breadth escape, to have a narrow o lucky escape
    cuffia da bagno bathing cap, swimming cap BE; cuffia da doccia shower cap.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > cuffia

  • 14 cavarsela, salvarsi per il rotto della cuffia

    cavarsela, salvarsi per il rotto della cuffia
    to escape by the skin of one's teeth, to have a hair's breadth escape, to have a narrow o lucky escape
    →  cuffia

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > cavarsela, salvarsi per il rotto della cuffia

  • 15 salvarse por un pelo

    • escape by a hair's breadth
    • escape by the skin of one's teeth
    • have a mutual understanding
    • have a narrow squeak
    • save oneself by a hair's breadth

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > salvarse por un pelo

  • 16 HAFA

    * * *
    (hefi; hafða, höfðum; hafðr), v.
    1) to have (þeir höfðu sjau skip ok flest stór);
    hafa elda, to keep up a five;
    2) to hold, celebrate (hafa vinaboð, blót, þing);
    3) to keep, retain (rifu þær vefinn í sundr, ok hafði hverr þat er hélt á);
    4) to use (tvau net eru rý, ok hafa eigi höfð verit);
    orð þau sem hann hafði um haft, which he had made use of;
    hafa fagrmæli við e-n, to flatter one;
    hafa hljóðmæli við e-n, to speak secretly to one;
    hafa tvimæli á e-u, to speak doubtfully of a thing;
    hafa viðrmæli um e-t, to use mocking words;
    hann var mjök hafðr við mál manna, much used to, versed in, lawsuits;
    5) to have, hold, maintain;
    hafa vináttu við e-n, to maintain friendship with one;
    hafa hættumikit, to run a great risk;
    hafa heilindi, to have good health;
    6) to bring, carry;
    hafa e-n heim með sér, to bring one home;
    hann hafði lög, út hingat ór Noregi, he brought laws hither from Norway;
    hafa sik (to betake oneself) til annara landa;
    7) to take, carry off;
    troll hafi þik, the trolls take thee;
    8) to get, gain, win;
    hann hafði eigi svefn, he got no sleep;
    hefir sá jafnan, er hættir, he wins that ventures;
    hafa gagn, sigr, to gain victor;
    hafa meira hlut, to get the upper hand, gain the day;
    hafa sitt mál, to win one’s suit;
    hafa tafl, to win the game;
    hafa erendi, to do one’s errand, succeed;
    hafa bana, to suffer death, to die;
    hafa sigr, to be worsted;
    hafa góðar viðtökur, to be well received;
    hafa tíðindi af e-m, to get tidings of, or from, one;
    hafa sœmd, óvirðing af e-m, to get honour, disgrace from one;
    with gen., hafa e-s ekki, to fail to catch one (hann kemst á skóg undan, ok höfðu þeir hans ekki);
    ekki munu vér hans hafa at sinni, we shall not catch him at present;
    9) to wear carry (clothes, weapons);
    hann hafði blán kyrtil, he wore a blue kirtle;
    hafa kylfu í hendi sér, to have a club in one’s hand;
    10) to behave, do, or fare, so an so esp. with an adv.;
    hafa vel, illa, vetr, to behave (do) well, badly, be worse;
    hafa sik vel, to behave;
    11) with infin., hafa at varðveita, to have in keeping at selja, to have on sale;
    lög hafið þér at mæla, you are right;
    12) hafa e-n nær e-u, to expose one to (þú hafðir svá nær haft oss úfœru);
    hafa nær e-u, to come near to, esp. impers.;
    nær hafði okkr nú, it was a narrow escape;
    svá nær hafði hausinum, at, the shot so nearly touched the head, that;
    ok er nær hafði, skipit mundi fljóta, when the ship was on the point of flloating;
    13) as an auxiliary verb, in the earliest time with the pp. of transitive verbs in acc.;
    hefir þú hamar um fólginn, hast thou hidden the hammer?;
    ek hefi sendan mann, I have sent a man;
    later with indecl. neut. pp.;
    hefir þú eigi sét mik, hast thou not seen me?;
    14) with preps.:
    hafa e-t at, to do, act;
    hann tók af þér konuna, en þú hafðir ekki at, but thou didst not stir, didst take it tamely;
    absol., viltu þess freista, ok vita hvat at hafi, wilt thou try and see what happens?;
    hafa e-t at hlífiskildi (skotspœni), to use as a shield (as a target);
    hafa e-n háði, hlátri, to mock, laugh at;
    hafa e-t at engu, vettugi, to hold for naught, take no notice of;
    hafa sakir á e-n have charges against one;
    hafa á rás, to take to one’s heels, run off;
    hafa e-t fram, to produce (vápn þorgils vóru fram höfð); to carry out, hold forth;
    hafa mál fram, to proceed with a suit;
    var um búit, ekki fram haft, all was made ready but nothing done;
    hafa e-t frammi, í frammi, to use, make use of (hafa í frammi kúgan);
    ok öll lögmæt skil frammi hafa, and discharge all on official duties;
    hafa e-t fyrir satt, to hold for true;
    eigi em ek þar fyrir sönnu hafðr, I am not truly aimed for that, it is a false charge;
    hafa e-n fyrir sökum um e-t, to charge one with;
    hafa í hótum við e-n, to threaten one;
    hafa e-t með höndum, to have in hand;
    höfum eiai sigrinn ór hendi, let not victory slip out of our hands;
    hafa ór við e-n, to behave so and so towards one (hefir þú illa ór haft við mik);
    hafa e-t til e-s to use for (höfðu þeir til varnar skot ok spjót); to be a reason or ground for;
    vér hyggjum þat til þess haft vera, at þar hafi menn sézt, we believe the foundation of the story is that men have been seen there;
    hafa mikit (lítit) til síns máls, to have much (little) in support of one’s case;
    hafa e-t til, to have at hand, possess;
    orð þau, sem hann hafði um haft, the words which he had used;
    keisari hafði fátt um, did not say much;
    hafa e-n undir, to get one under, subdue one;
    hafa e-t uppi, to take (heave) up (hafa uppi fœri, net);
    Skarpheðinn hafði uppi øxina, S. heaved up the axe;
    hafa flokk uppi, to raise a party, to rebel;
    hafa uppi tafl, to play at a game;
    hafa e-n uppi, to bring one to light;
    hafa uppi rœður, to begin a discussion;
    hafa e-t úti, to have done, finished (hafa úti sitt dagsverk);
    hafa við e-m, to be a match for one;
    hafa sik við, to exert oneself;
    hafa mikit (lítit) við, to make a great (little) display;
    hann söng messu ok bafði mikit við, and made much of it;
    hann bad jarl leita, bann hafði lítit við þat, he did it lightly;
    haf ekki slíkt við, do not say so;
    haf þú lítit við at eggja sonu þina, refrain from egging on thy sons;
    15) refl., hafast.
    * * *
    pret. hafði; subj. hefði; pres. sing. hefi (less correctly hefir), hefir, hefir; plur. höfum, hafit, hafa: the mod. pres. sing. is monosyllabic hefr or hefur, and is used so in rhymes—andvara engan hefur | … við glys heims gálaus sefur, Pass. 15. 6, but in print the true old form hefir is still retained; the monosyllabic present is used even by old writers in the 1st pers. before the personal or negative suffix, e. g. hef-k and hef-k-a ek for hefi-g and hefig-a ek, see e. g. Grág. (Kb.) 79, 82, in the old oath formula, hef-k eigi, Hallfred; hef ek, Fms. iii. 10 (in a verse); but not so in 3rd pers., e. g. hefir-a or hefir-at, Grág. l. c.: imperat. haf, hafðu: part. pass. hafðr, neut. haft;—hafat is an απ. λεγ., Vsp. 16, and is prob. qs. hafit from hefja, to heave, lift: [Ulf. haban; A. S. habban; Engl. have; Hel. hebben; Germ. haben; Dutch hebben; Dan. have, Swed. hafva: it is curious the Lat. form habere retains the consonant unchanged, cp. the Romance forms, Ital. avere, Fr. avoir, Span. haber, etc. ☞ Hafa is a weak verb, and thus distinguished from hefja (to lift, begin), which is a strong verb, answering to Lat. capere, incipere; but in sundry cases, as will be seen below, it passes into the sense of this latter word; as also in some instances into that of another lost strong verb, hafa, hóf, to behave, and hœfa, to hit]:—to have.
    A. To have; hann hafði með sér ekki meira lið, Fms. i. 39; hafði hverr hirð um sik, 52; höfðu þeir áttján skip, viii. 42; Sverrir hafði tvau hundrað manna, … þeir höfðu annan samnað á landi, 328; hann hafði mikit lið ok frítt, x. 36; þeir höfðu sjau skip ok flest stór, 102; hafa fjölmennar setur, Eb. 22; hann hafði menn sína í síldveri, Eg. 42; mun ek naut hafa þar sem mér þykkir hagi beztr, 716.
    II. to hold:
    1. to keep, celebrate; hafa ok halda, Dipl. i. 6; hafa átrúnað, 10; hafa dóma, 12; hafa blót, Fms. iv. 254; hafa vina-veizlu, id.; hafa vina-boð, Nj. 2; hafa Jóla-boð, Eg. 516; hafa þing, Fms. ix. 449; hafa haust-boð, Gísl. 27; hafa drykkju, Eb. 154; hafa leik, Fms. x. 201, passim.
    2. to hold, observe; hlýðir þat hvergi at hafa eigi lög í landi, Nj. 149; skal þat hafa, er stendr …, Grág. i. 7; skal þat allt hafa er finsk á skrá þeirri …, id.; en hvatki es mis-sagt es í fræðum þessum, þá es skylt at hafa þat (to keep, hold to be true) es sannara reynisk, Íb. 3; ok hafða ek (I kept, selected) þat ór hvárri er framarr greindi, Landn. 320, v. l.
    3. to hold, keep, retain; ef hann vill hafa hann til fardaga, Grág. i. 155; skal búandinn hafa hann hálfan mánuð, 154; ok hafði hvárr þat er hélt á, Nj. 279; hitt skal hafa er um fram er, Rb. 56; kasta í burt þrjátigi ok haf þat sem eptir verðr, 494.
    4. to hold an office; hafa lögsögu, to hold the office of lögsaga, Íb. passim; hafa jarldóm, konungdóm, passim; þat höfðu haft at fornu Dana-konungar, Eg. 267; þér berit konunga-nöfn svá sem fyrr hafa haft ( have had) forfeðr yðrir, en hafit lítið af ríki, Fms. i. 52; hafa ríki, to reign, Hkr. pref.
    5. phrases, hafa elda, to keep a fire, cook, Fms. xi. 129; hafa fjárgæzlu, to tend sheep, Eg. 740; hafa embætti með höndum, Stj. 204; hafa gæzlur á e-u, Fms. ix. 313; hafa … vetr, to have so many winters, be of such an age (cp. Fr. avoir … ans), Íb. 15; margir höfðu lítið fátt þúsund ára, Ver. 7: hafa vörn í máli, Nj. 93; hafa e-t með höndum, to have in hand, Fms. viii. 280, ix. 239; hafa e-t á höndum, Grág. i. 38; hafa fyrir satt, to hold for true, Fms. xi. 10; hafa við orð, to intimate, suggest, Nj. 160; hafa e-t at engu, vettugi, to hold for naught, take no notice of, Fas. i. 318.
    6. with prepp. or infin.,
    α. with prep.; hafa til, to have, possess; ef annarr þeirra hefir til enn annarr eigi, þá er sá skyldr til at fá honum er til hefir, Grág. i. 33; ef annarr hefir til …, id.; þér ætlið at ek muna eigi afl til hafa, Ld. 28.
    β. with infin.; hafa at varðveita, to have in keeping, Eg. 500; lög hafit þér at mæla, you have the law on your tongue, i. e. you are right, Nj. 101; hörð tíðindi hefi ek at segja þér, 64; sá er gripinn hefir at halda, Grág. i. 438; hafa at selja, to have on sale, Ld. 28.
    III. to use; var haft til þess sker eitt, Eb. 12; þá höfðu þeir til varnar skot ok spjót, Fms. vii. 193; er þín ráð vóru höfð, that thy advice was taken, Fs. 57; Gríss hafði þessi ráð, Fms. iii. 21; ek vil at þat sé haft er ek legg til, x. 249; þykki mér þú vel hafa ( make good use of) þau tillög er ek legg fyrir þik, xi. 61; til þess alls er jarli þótti skipta, þá hafði hann þessa hluti, 129; tvau ný (net), ok hafa eigi höfð verit ( which have not been used), haf þú ( take) hvárt er þú vilt, Háv. 46; þær vil ek hafa enar nýju, en ek vil ekki hætta til at hafa enar fornu, id.; önnur er ný ok mikil ok hefir ( has) til einskis höfð ( used) verið, id.; buðkr er fyrir húslker er hafðr, Vm. 171; gjalda vápn þau er höfð eru, N. G. L. i. 75; þat hafði hann haft ( used) fyrir skála, Edda 29; þeir vóru hafðir til at festa með hús jafnan, Nj. 118; sá hólmr var hafðr til at …, Fms. i. 218; hann skyldi hafa hinn sama eið, x. 7; orð þau sem hann hafði ( had) um haft ( used), Nj. 56; orð þau er hann hafði ( made use of) í barnskírn, K. Þ. K. 14.
    2. more special phrases; hafa fagrmæli við e-n, to flatter one, Nj. 224; hafa hljóðmæli við e-n, to speak secretly to one, 223; allmikil fjölkyngi mun vera við höfð áðr svá fái gört, Edda 27; hafa mörg orð um e-t, Ld. 268; hafa tvímæli á e-u, to discuss, doubt, speak diffidently of a thing, Lv. 52; hafa viðrmæli um e-t, to use mocking words, Nj. 89; hafa nafn Drottins í hégóma, to take the Lord’s name in vain, Fms. i. 310; (hann var) mjök hafðr við mál manna, much used to, versed in lawsuits, Dropl. 8: hafa sik til e-s, to use oneself to a thing, i. e. to do a mean, paltry thing; þeir er til þess vilja hafa sik, at ganga í samkundur manna úboðit, Gþl. 200; ef hann vill sik til þessa hafa, Fms. i. 99: hafa sik við, to exert oneself; skaltú ok verða þik við at hafa um þetta mál, ef þú getr þat af þér fært, Grett. 160: hafa e-n at skotspæni, to use one as a target, Nj. 222; hafa e-n at hlífi-skildi sér, to use one as a shield, 262; hafa e-n at ginningar-fifli, auga-bragði, háði, hlátri, Hm. 133, Nj. 224, passim.
    IV. to have, hold, maintain, of a state or condition; hafa vináttu við e-n, to maintain friendship with one, Sks. 662; hafa vanmátt, to continue sick, Eg. 565; hafa hættu-mikit, to run a great risk, Nj. 149; hafa vitfirring, to be insane, Grág. i. 154; hafa heilindi, to have good health, 26, Hm. 67; hafa burði til e-s, to have the birthright to a thing. Eg. 479; hafa hug, áræði, hyggindi, to have the courage …, Hom. 28; hafa vit ( to know), skyn, greind … á e-u, to have understanding of a thing; hafa gaman, gleði, skemtun, ánægju af e-u, to have interest or pleasure in a thing; hafa leiða, ógeð, andstygð, hatr, óbeit á e-u, to dislike, be disgusted with, hate a thing; hafa elsku, mætr, virðing á e-u, to love, esteeem … a thing; hafa allan hug á e-u, to bend the mind to a thing; hafa grun á e-m, to suspect one; hafa ótta, beyg af e-u, to fear a thing; and in numberless other phrases.
    2. with prepp.:
    α. hafa e-t frammi (fram), to carry out, hold forth; hafa frammi róg, Nj. 166; hafa mál fram, to proceed with a suit, 101; stefnu-för, 78; heitstrengingar, Fms. xi. 103; ok öll lögmælt skil frammi hafa, and discharge all one’s official duties, 232; var um búit en ekki fram haft, all was made ready, but nothing done, viii. 113; beini má varla verða betri en hér er frammi hafðr, xi. 52; hafðú í frammi ( use) kúgan við þá uppi við fjöllin, Ísl. ii. 215; margir hlutir, þó at hann hafi í frammi, Sks. 276.
    β. hafa mikit, lítið fyrir e-u, to have much, little trouble about a thing; (hence fyrir-höfn, trouble.)
    γ. hafa við e-m (afl or the like understood), to be a match for one, Fms. vii. 170, Lv. 109, Nj. 89, Eg. 474, Anal. 176; hafa mikit, lítið við, to make a great, little display; (hence við-höfn, display, pomp); hann söng messu ok hafði mikit við, he sang mass and made a great thing of it, Nj. 157; þú hefir mikit við, thou makest a great show of it, Boll. 351; hann bað jarl leita, hann hafði lítið við þat, he did it lightly, Nj. 141; haf ekki slíkt við, do not say so, Ld. 182.
    B. To take, carry off, win, wield, [closely akin to Lat. capere]:
    I. to catch, take, esp. in the phrase, hafa ekki e-s, to miss one; hann kemsk á skóg undan, ok höfðu þeir hans ekki, he took to the forest and they missed him, Nj. 130; ekki munu vér hans hafa at sinni, we sha’nt catch him at present, Fms. vi. 278; hafða ek þess vætki vífs, Hm. 101; þeygi ek hana at heldr hefik, 95: in swearing, tröll, herr, gramir hafi þik, the trolls, ghosts, etc. take thee! tröll hafi líf, ef …, Kormak; tröll hafi Trefót allan! Grett. (in a verse); tröll hafi þína vini, tröll hafi hól þitt, Nj.; herr hafi Þóri til slægan, confound the wily Thorir! Fms. vi. 278, v. l. (emended, as the phrase is wrongly explained in Fms. xii. Gloss.); gramir hafi þik! vide gramr.
    II. to carry, carry off, bring; hafði einn hjartað í munni sér, one carried the heart off in his mouth, Nj. 95; hann hafði þat ( brought it) norðan með sér, Eg. 42; hafði Þórólfr heim marga dýrgripi, 4; hann hafði með sér skatt allan, 62; skaltú biðja hennar ok hafa hana heim hingat, Edda 22; fé þat er hann hafði ( had) út haft ( carried from abroad), Gullþ. 13; á fimm hestum höfðu þeir mat, Nj. 74; bókina er hann hafði ( had) út haft, Fms. vii. 156; konungr hafði biskup norðr til Björgynjar með sér, viii. 296; biskup lét hann hafa með sér kirkju-við ok járn-klukku, Landn. 42; hann hafði með sér skulda-lið sitt ok búferli, Eb. 8; hann tók ofan hofit, ok hafði með sér flesta viðu, id.; ok hafa hana í brott, Fms. i. 3; tekr upp barnit, ok hefir heim með sér, Ísl. ii. 20; hann hafði lög út hingat ór Noregi, he brought laws hither from Norway, Íb. 5; haf þú heim hvali til bæjar, Hým. 26; ok hafa hann til Valhallar, Nj. 119.
    III. to take, get; hann hafði þá engan mat né drykk, he took no food nor drink, Eg. 602; hann hafði eigi svefn, he got no sleep, Bs. i. 139.
    2. to get, gain, win; öfluðu sér fjár, ok höfðu hlutskipti mikit, Eg. 4; eigi þarftú at biðja viðsmjörs þess, þvíat hann mun þat alls ekki hafa, né þú, for neither he nor thou shall get it, Blas. 28; jarl vill hafa minn fund, he will have a meeting with me, 40, Skv. 1. 4: the sayings, hefir sá jafnan er hættir, he wins that risks, ‘nothing venture, nothing have,’ Hrafn. 16; sá hefir krás er krefr, Sl. 29.
    3. phrases, hafa meira hlut, to get the better lot, gain the day, Nj. 90, Fms. xi. 93; hafa gagn, sigr, to gain victory, ix. 132, Eg. 7, Hkr. i. 215, Ver. 38; hafa betr, to get the better; hafa verr, miðr, to have the worst of it, Fms. v. 86, Þorst. S. St. 48, passim; hafa mál sitt, to win one’s suit, Grág. i. 7, Fms. vii. 34; hafa kaup öll, to get all the bargain, Eg. 71; hafa tafl, to win the game, Fms. vii. 219; hafa erendi, to do one’s errand, succeed, Þkv. 10, 11, Fas. ii. 517: hafa bana, to have one’s bane, to die, Nj. 8; hafa úsigr, to be worsted, passim; hafa úfrið, to have no peace; hafa gagn, sóma, heiðr, neisu, óvirðing, skömm, etc. af e-u, to get profit, gain, honour, disgrace, etc. from a thing; hafa e-n í helju, to put one to death, Al. 123; hafa e-n undir, to get one under, subdue him, Nj. 95, 128; höfum eigi, sigrinn ór hendi, let not victory slip out of our hands, Fms. v. 294.
    4. to get, receive; hann hafði góðar viðtökur, Nj. 4; hón skal hafa sex-tigi hundraða, 3; skyldi Högni hafa land, 118; selja skipit, ef hann hafði þat fyrir ( if he could get for it) sem hann vildi; Flosi spurði í hverjum aurum hann vildi fyrir hafa, hann kvaðsk vildu fyrir hafa land, 259; hafa tíðindi, sögur af e-m, to have, get tidings of or from one, Ld. 28; hafa sæmd, metorð óvirðing, to get honour, disgrace from one’s hands, Nj. 101; hafa bætr, to get compensation, Grág. i. 188; hafa innstæðuna eina, id.; hafa af e-m, to have the best of one, cheat one.
    IV. to carry, wear, of clothes, ornaments, weapons:
    1. of clothes, [cp. Lat. habitus and Icel. höfn = gear]; hafa hatt á höfði, Ld. 28; hafa váskufl yztan klæða, … þú skalt hafa undir ( wear beneath) hin góðu klæði þín, Nj. 32; hann hafði blán kyrtil, … hann hafði svartan kyrtil, Boll. 358; hafa fald á höfði, to wear a hood; hón hafði gaddan rautt á höfði, Orkn. 304; hann hafði um sik breitt belti, he wore a broad belt, Nj. 91; hafa fingr-gull á hendi, 146: to have about one’s person, vefja saman ok hafa í pungi sínum, Edda 27; hlutir sem mönnum var títt at hafa, Fms. xi. 128.
    2. of weapons, to wield, carry; spjót þat er þú hefir í hendi, Boll. 350; hafa kylfu í hendi sér, to have a club in one’s hand, Fms. xi. 129; hafa staf í hendi, to have a stick in the hand, Bárð.; Gunnarr hafði atgeirinn ok sverðit, Kolskeggr hafði saxit, Hjörtr hafði alvæpni, Nj. 93; hann hafdi öxi snaghyrnda, Boll. 358; hann hafði kesjuna fyrir sér, he held the lance in rest, Eg. 532.
    V. here may be added a few special phrases; hafa hendr fyrir sér, to grope, feel with the hands (as in darkness); hafa vit fyrir sér, to act wisely; hafa at sér hendina, to draw one’s hand back, Stj. 198; hafa e-t eptir, to do or repeat a thing after one, Konr.; hafa e-t yfir, to repeat (of a lesson): hafa sik, to betake oneself; hafa sik til annarra landa, Grett. 9 new Ed.; hann vissi varla hvar hann átti at hafa sik, he knew not where ( whither) to betake himself, Bs. i. 807; hefir hann sik aptr á stað til munklífisins, Mar.
    C. Passing into the sense of hefja (see at the beginning); hafa e-t uppi, to heave up, raise; hafa flokk uppi, to raise a party, to rebel, Fb. ii. 89: hafa uppi færi, net, a fisherman’s term, to heave up, take up the net or line, Háv. 46; Skarphéðinn hafði uppi ( heaved up) öxina, Nj. 144: hafa uppi tafl, to play at a game, Vápn. 29; þar vóru mjök töfl uppi höfð ok sagna-skemtan, Þorf. Karl. 406, v. l.: hafa e-n uppi, to hold one up, bring him to light; svá máttu oss skjótast uppi hafa, Fær. 42: metaph. to reveal, vándr riddari hafði allt þegar uppi, Str. 10.
    2. with the notion to begin; Bárðr hafði uppi orð sín ( began his suit) ok bað Sigríðar, Eg. 26, Eb. 142; hafa upp stefnu, to begin the summons, Boll. 350; hafa upp ræður, to begin a discussion; ræður þær er hann hafði uppi haft við Ingigerði, Fms. iv. 144, where the older text in Ó. H. reads umræður þær er hann hafði upp hafit (from hefja), 59; cp. also Vsp., þat langniðja-tal mun uppi hafat (i. e. hafit) meðan öld lifir, 16, (cp. upp-haf, beginning); þó at ek hafa síðarr um-ræðu um hann, better þó at ek hafa (i. e. hefja) síðarr upp ræðu um hann, though I shall below treat of, discuss that, Skálda (Thorodd) 168; er lengi hefir uppi verit haft síðan (of a song), Nj. 135; cp. also phrases such as, hafa á rás, to begin running, take to one’s heels, Fms. iv. 120, ix. 490; næsta morgin hefir út fjörðinn, the next morning a breeze off land arose, Bs. ii. 48: opp. is the phrase, hafa e-t úti, to have done, finished; hafa úti sitt dags-verk, Fms. xi. 431; hafa úti sekt sína, Grett. 149.
    D. Passing into the sense of a lost strong verb, hafa, hóf (see at the beginning), to behave, do, act:
    I. with an adverb, hafa vel, ílla, or the like, to behave, and in some instances to do well or badly, be happy or unhappy,
    α. to behave; en nú vil ek eigi verr hafa en þú, Fms. iv. 342; þeir sögðu at konungr vildi verr hafa en þeir, 313; hefir þú ílla ór (málum or the like understood) haft við mik, Fs. 140; ólikr er Gísli öðrum í þolinmæði, ok hefir hann betr en vér, Gísl. 28.
    β. to do so and so (to be happy, unhappy); verr hafa þeir er trygðum slitu, Mkv. 3; ílla hefir sá er annan svíkr, 18; vel hefir sá er þat líða lætr, 6; vel hefir sá ( he is happy) er eigi bíðr slíkt íllt þessa heims, Fms. v. 145; hvílíkt hefir þú, how dost thou? Mar.; hafa hart, to do badly, to be wretched; at sál Þorgils mætti fyrir þær sakir eigi hart hafa, Sturl. iii. 292, Mar.; Ólafr hafði þá hölzti ílla, O. was very poorly, D. N. ii. 156; þykisk sá bezt hafa ( happiest) er fyrstr kemr heim, Fms. xi. 248; þá hefir hann bazt af hann þegir, i. e. that is the best he can do if he holds his tongue, Hm. 19; þess get ek at sá hafi verr ( he will make a bad bargain) er þik flytr, Nj. 128; úlfgi hefir ok vel, the wolf is in a bad plight, Ls. 39; mun sá betr hafa er eigi tekr við þér, id.; betr hefðir þú, ef …, thou wouldest do better, if …, Akv. 16.
    γ. adding sik; hafa sik vel, to behave well, Fms. x. 415, Stj. 436.
    II. with the prep. at, to do, act, (hence at-höfn, at-hæfi, act, doing); hann lét ekki til búa vígs-málit ok engan hlut at hafa, Nj. 71; en ef þeim þykkir of lítið féit tekit, þá skulu þeir hafa at hit sama, to act in the same way, Grág. ii. 267; hvatki es þeir hafa at, Fms. xi. 132; hann tók af þér konuna, en þú hafðir ekki at, but thou didst not stir, didst take it tamely, Nj. 33; bæði munu menn þetta kalla stórvirki ok íllvirki, en þó má nú ekki at hafa, but there is no help for it, 202; eigi sýnisk mér meðal-atferðar-leysi, at vér höfum eigi at um kvámur hans, i. e. that we submit tamely to his coming, Fs. 32: absol., viltú þess freista, ok vita þá hvat at hafi, wilt thou try and see how it will do? Bjarn. 27; en nú skaltú fara fyrir, ok vita hvat at hafi, Bs. i. 712.
    III. phrases, hafa hátt, to be noisy, talk loud, Fms. i. 66; við skulum ekki hafa hátt ( do not cry loud) hér er maðr á glugganum, a lullaby song; hafa lágt, to keep silent; hafa hægt, to keep quiet; hafa sik á (í) hófi, to compose oneself, Ls. 36; hafa í hótum við e-n, to use threatening ( foul) language, Fb. i. 312; hafa í glett við e-n, to banter one, Fms. viii. 289; hafa íllt at verki, to do a bad deed, Ísl. ii. 184.
    E. Passing into the sense of the verb hæfa (see at the beginning), to aim at, hit, with dat.:
    I. to hit; svá nær hafði hausinum, at …, the shot so nearly hit the head, that …, Fms. ii. 272; þat sama forað, sem henni hafði næst váða, those very precipices from which she had so narrow an escape, Bs. i. 200, Fms. ix. 357; nær hafði nú, at skjótr mundi verða okkarr skilnaðr, Al. 124; nær hafði okkr nú, it struck near us, it was a narrow escape, Fms. viii. 281; kvaðsk svá dreymt hafa ( have dreamed), at þeim mundi nær hafa, ix. 387, v. l.; ok er nær hafði at skipit mundi fljóta, when the ship was on the point of floating, Ld. 58; ok hafði svá nær (it was within a hair’s breadth), at frændr Þorvalds mundu ganga at honum, Nj. 160; ok hafði svá nær at þeir mundi berjask, Íb. 11, cp. Bs. i. 21: the phrase, fjarri hefir, far from it! Edda (in a verse).
    2. to charge; eigi em ek þar fyrir sönnu hafðr, I am not truly aimed at for that, ‘tis a false charge, Eg. 64; þeim manni er fyrir sökum er hafðr, i. e. the culprit, Grág. i. 29; cp. the mod. phrase, hafa á e-u, to make a charge of a thing; það varð ekki á því haft, they could not make a case for a charge of it.
    II. metaph. to be the ground or reason for, (hence til-hæfa, reason, fact, foundation); til þess ætla vitrir menn þat haft at Ísland sé Tile (i. e. Thule) kallað, at …, learned men suppose that is the reason that Iceland is called Thule, that …, Landn. (pref.); mikit mun til haft, er einmæli er um (there must be some reason for it, because all people say so), Þorgils segir, eigi er fyrir haft ( there is no ground whatever for it), at ek mæla betr fyrir griðum en aðrir menn, Ísl. ii. 379; vér hyggjum þat til þess haft vera, at þar hafi menn sésk, we believe the substance of the story is that men have been seen there, Fms. xi. 158; hvat er til þess haft um þat (what is the truth of the matter?), hefir sundr-þykki orðit með ykkr? Boll. 364: in the saying, hefir hverr til síns ágætis nokkut, every one gets his reputation for something, Nj. 115.
    2. to happen, coincide; hefir svá til, at hann var þar sjálfr, Fms. xi. 138, v. l.
    β. the phrase, hafa mikit (lítið) til síns máls, to have much ( little) reason for one’s tale, i. e. to be much, little, in the right, Fms. vii. 221, xi. 138 (v. l.), Nj. 88: um þenna hefir svá stórum, it matters so much with this man, (v. l. for mun stórum skipta), Fms. xi. 311.
    F. REFLEX. to keep, dwell, abide, but only of a temporary shelter or abode, cp. Lat. habitare, (cp. also höfn, a haven); hann hefsk á náttartíma niðri í vötnum, at night-time he keeps down in the water, Stj. 77: to live, þeir höfðusk mjök í kaupferðum, they spent much of their life in travelling, Hkr. i. 276; hann hafðisk löngum í bænum, Bs. i. 353.
    β. with prep. við; hér mun ek við hafask ( I will stay here) en þú far til konungs, Fb. ii. 125; hafðisk hann við á skógum eðr í öðrum fylgsnum, 302; því at hann hafðisk þá á skipum við, Fms. viii. 44; hvílsk heldr ok hafsk við í því landi, rest and stay in that land, Stj. 162; Ásgeirr hafðisk við uppi í dalnum, Sd. 154; hafask lind fyrir, to cover oneself with a shield (?), Vsp. 50; hafask hlífar fyrir, to be mailed in armour, Hkm. 11.
    2. hafask at, to do, behave (cp. D. above); vóru þeir þá svá móðir, at þeir máttu ekki at hafask, Fms. ii. 149; en síðan skulut þér at hafa slíkt sem ek kann fyrir segja, i. 158; þat eitt munu við at hafask, at ek mun betr göra en þú, Nj. 19; Lambi sá hvat Steinarr hafðisk at, Eg. 747.
    3. hafask vel, to do well, thrive; vaxa ok vel hafask, to wax and do well, Hm. 142; nú er þat bæn mín, at þér hafisk við vel, that you bear yourself well up, Fms. ix. 497; Jungfrúin hafðisk vel við í ferðinni, x. 86; at fé hans mundi eigi hafask at betr at meðal-vetri, Grág. ii. 326.
    4. recipr., hafask orð við, to speak to one another; ok er þat ósiðlegt, at menn hafisk eigi orð við, Fs. 14; þar til er þeir hafask réttar tölur við, N. G. L. i. 182.
    II. part. hafandi is used in the sense of having conceived, being with child; þá verit hann varr við at hón var hafandi, 656 B. 14; hón skyldi verða hafandi at Guðs syni, id.; generally, allt þat er hafanda var lét burð sinn ok ærðisk, Fms. vii. 187; svá sem hón verðr at honum hafandi, Stj. 178; (hence barns-hafandi, being with child.)
    G. The word hafa is in the Icel., as in other Teut. languages, used as an auxiliary verb with a part. pass. of another verb, whereby a compound preterite and pluperfect are formed as follows:
    I. in transitive verbs with acc. the participle also was put in acc., agreeing in gender, number, and case with the objective noun or pronoun; this seems to have been a fixed rule in the earliest time, and is used so in all old poems down at least to the middle of the 11th century, to the time of Sighvat (circ. A. D. 990–1040), who constantly used the old form,—átt is an apostrophe for átta in the verse Ó. H. 81:
    1. references from poets, Gm. 5, 12, 16; þá er forðum mik fædda höfðu, Vsp. 2; hverr hefði lopt lævi blandit eðr ætt jötuns Óðs mey gefna, 29; þær’s í árdaga áttar höfðu, 60: ek hafða fengna konungs reiði, Ad. 3; en Grjótbjörn um gnegðan hefir, 18; mik hefir marr miklu ræntan, Stor. 10; þó hefir Míms-vinr mér um fengnar bölva bætr, 22: gaupur er Haraldr hafi sveltar, Hornklofi: Loka mær hefir leikinn allvald, Ýt. 7; sá hafði borinn brúna-hörg, 14; jarlar höfðu veginn hann, 15: ek hef orðinn ( found) þann guðföðr (verða is here used as trans.), Hallfred; höfum kera framðan, id.: hann hefir litnar, sénar, hár bárur, Ísl. ii. 223, thus twice in a verse of A. D. 1002; göngu hefik of gengna, Korm. (in a verse); hann hafði farna för, Hkr. i. (Glum Geirason); ek hefi talðar níu orustur, Sighvat; þú hefir vanðan þik, id.; ér hafit rekna þá braut, Ó. H. 63 (Óttar Svarti); hann hefir búnar okkr hendr skrautliga, Sighvat (Ó. H. 13); þeir hafa færð sín höfuð Knúti, id.; hvar hafit ér hugðan mér sess, id.; hafa sér kenndan enn nørðra heims enda, id.; Sighvatr hefir lattan gram, id.; hefir þú hamar um fólginn, Þkv. 7, 8; þú hefir hvatta okkr, Gkv. 6; ek hefi yðr brennda, Am. 39, cp. 56; hefi ek þik minntan, 81; hefir þú hjörtu tuggin, Akv. 36; hefir þú mik dvalðan, Hbl. 51; ek hefi hafðar þrár, I have had throes, Fsm. 51; en ek hann görvan hef-k, svá hefi ek studdan, 12 (verse 13 is corrupt); hann hefir dvalða þik, Hkv. Hjörv. 29; lostna, 30; mik hefir sóttan meiri glæpr, 32; ek hefi brúði kerna, id.; þú hefir etnar úlfa krásir, opt sár sogin, Hkv. 1. 36; sá er opt hefir örnu sadda, 35; hefir þú kannaða koni óneisa, 23; þá er mik svikna höfðut, Skv. 3. 55; hann hafði getna sonu, Bkv. 8; þann sal hafa halir um görvan, Fm. 42; bróður minn hefir þú benjaðan, 25; er hann ráðinn hefir, 37; sjaldan hefir þú gefnar vargi bráðir, Eg. (in a verse).
    2. references from prose; this old form has since been turned into an indecl. neut. sing. part. -it. The old form was first lost in the strong verbs and the weak verbs of the first conjugation: in the earliest prose both forms are used, although the indecl. is more freq. even in the prose writers, as Íb., the Heiðarv. S., the Miracle-book in Bs., Njála, Ó. H., (Thorodd seems only to use the old form,) as may be seen from the following references, Björn hafði særða þrjá menn, Nj. 262; hann mundi hana hafa gipta honum, 47; hann hafði þá leidda saman hestana, 264: ek hefi sendan mann, Ísl. (Heiðarv. S.) ii. 333; ek nefi senda menn, id.: hafa son sinn ór helju heimtan, Bs. (Miracle-book) i. 337; en er þeir höfðu niðr settan sveininn, 349; hann hafði veidda fimm tegu fiska, 350: er þér hefir ílla neisu gorva, Ó. H. 107: þá hefi ek fyrri setta þá í stafrófi, Skálda (Thorodd) 161; þar hefi ek við görva þessa stafi fjóra, id.; hafa hann samsettan, 167: góða fylgd hefir þú mér veitta, Þorst Síðu H. 2: sagði, at Ólafr konungr hafði sendan hann, Bs. i. 11: Þyri, er hertogi hafði festa nauðga, Fms. x. 393 (Ágrip): hefi ek þá svá signaða ok magnaða, v. 236: hefir sólin gengna tvá hluti, en einn úgenginn, K. Þ. K. 92 (Lund’s Syntax, p. 12).
    β. again, neut. indecl., hana hafði átt fyrr Þoróddr, Ísl. ii. 192: hón hafði heimt húskarl sinn …, Ísl. (Heiðarv. S.) ii. 339; hann hefir ekki svá vel gyrt hest minn, 340; hefir þú eigi séð mik, 341; hve hann hafði lokkat hann. id.; gistingar hefi ek yðr fengit, 343: þeir höfðu haft úfrið ok orrostur, Íb. 12; hann hafði tekið lögsögu, 14: stafr er átt hafði Þorlákr, Bs. (Miracle-book) i. 340; er þær höfðu upp tekit ketilinn ok hafit …, 342; göngu es hann hafði gingit, 344; es sleggjuna hafði niðr fellt, 346; sem maðr hefði nýsett (hana) niðr, id.; jartein þá er hann þóttisk fingit hafa, 347; hafði prestrinn fært fram sveininn, 349: hjálm er Hreiðmarr hafði átt, Edda 73: hafa efnt sína heitstrenging, Fms. (Jómsv. S.) xi. 141: slíkan dóm sem hann hafði mér hugat, Ó. H. 176, etc. passim:—at last the inflexion disappeared altogether, and so at the present time the indecl. neut. sing. is used throughout; yet it remains in peculiar instances, e. g. konu hefi eg mér festa, Luke xiv. 20, cp. Vídal. ii. 21. ☞ This use of the inflexive part. pass. may often serve as a test of the age of a poem, e. g. that Sólarljóð was composed at a later date may thus be seen from verses 27, 64, 72, 73, 75, 79; but this test is to be applied with caution, as the MSS. have in some cases changed the true forms (-inn, -ann, and -it, -an being freq. abbreviated in the MSS. so as to render the reading dubious). In many cases the old form is no doubt to be restored, e. g. in vegit to veginn, Fm. 4, 23; búit to búinn, Hkv. Hjörv. 15; borit to borinn, Hkv. 1. 1; beðit to beðinn, Fsm. 48; orðit to orðin, Og. 23; roðit to roðinn, Em. 5; brotið to brotinn, Vkv. 24, etc.: but are we to infer from Ls. 23, 26, 33, that this poem is of a comparatively late age?
    II. the indecl. neut. sing. is, both in the earliest poems and down to the present day, used in the following cases:
    1. with trans. verbs requiring the dat. or gen.; ek hefi fengit e-s, hann hafði fengit konu; hafa hefnt e-s, Fms. xi. 25; sú er hafði beðit fjár, Þkv. 32; stillir hefir stefnt mér, Hkv. Hjörv. 33, and so in endless cases.
    2. in the reflex. part. pass.; þeir (hann) hafa (hefir) látisk, farisk, sagsk, etc.
    3. in part. of intrans. neut. verbs, e. g. þeir þær (hann, hón), hafa (hefir) setið, staðit, gengit, legit, farit, komit, verit, orðit, lifað, dáit, heitið …, also almost in every line both of prose and poetry.
    4. in trans. verbs with a neut. sing. in objective case the difference cannot be seen.
    ☞ The compound preterite is common to both the Romance and Teutonic languages, and seems to be older in the former than in the latter; Grimm suggests that it originated with the French, and thence spread to the Teutons. That it was not natural to the latter is shewn by the facts, that
    α. no traces of it are found in Gothic, nor in the earliest Old High German glossaries to Latin words.
    β. in the earliest Scandinavian poetry we can trace its passage from declinable to indeclinable.
    γ. remains are left in poetry of a primitive uncompounded preterite infinitive, e. g. stóðu = hafa staðit, mundu, skyldu, vildu, etc., see Gramm. p. xxv, col. 2. ☞ We may here note a curious dropping of the verb hefir, at ek em kominn hingat til lands, ok verit áðr ( having been) langa hríð utan-lands, Ó. H. 31, cp. Am. 52; barn at aldri, en vegit slíka hetju sem Þorvaldr var, Glúm. 382. On this interesting matter see Grimm’s remarks in his Gramm. iv. 146 sqq.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HAFA

  • 17 hairbreadth

    * * *
    A s:
    by a hairbreadth um Haaresbreite;
    escape by a hairbreadth mit knapper Not davonkommen
    B adj äußerst oder ganz knapp:
    have a hairbreadth escape mit knapper Not davonkommen
    * * *
    Haaresbreite f.

    English-german dictionary > hairbreadth

  • 18 escapar en una tabla

    • escape by a hair's breadth
    • have a mutual understanding
    • have a narrow squeak

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > escapar en una tabla

  • 19 salvarse en una tabla

    • escape by a hair's breadth
    • have a mutual understanding
    • have a narrow squeak

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > salvarse en una tabla

  • 20 pelo

    1 hair (cabello).
    la bañera estaba llena de pelos the bathtub was full of hair
    2 fur.
    3 down.
    4 nap.
    5 hairbreadth, narrow margin, small margin.
    6 head of hair, tresses.
    7 thrix.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: pelar.
    * * *
    1 hair
    2 (de animal) coat, fur
    3 familiar bit
    a pelo (sin montura) bareback 2 (sin ayuda) without help 3 (sin nada) without anything
    con pelos y señales in great detail, down to the last detail
    de medio pelo second-rate
    estar hasta los pelos familiar to be fed up (de, with)
    no tener pelos en la lengua to speak one's mind, not mince words
    no tener un pelo de tonto,-a familiar to be nobody's fool
    no verle el pelo a alguien to see neither hide nor hair of somebody
    poner los pelos de punta to make one's hair stand on end
    por los pelos by the skin of one's teeth
    soltarse el pelo to let one's hair down
    tirarse de los pelos (estar furioso) to be furious 2 (arrepentirse) to kick oneself
    tocarle un pelo a alguien to lay a finger on somebody
    tomar el pelo a alguien to pull somebody's leg
    venir al pelo familiar to be just the thing
    pelo de camello camelhair
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) hair
    2) fur
    3) pile
    * * *
    1) (=filamento) [de persona, animal] hair; [de barba] whisker; (Téc) fibre, fiber (EEUU), strand
    2) [en conjunto] [de persona] hair; (=piel) fur, coat; [de fruta] down; [de jersey] fluff; [de tejido] nap, pile

    pelo de camello — camel-hair, camel's hair (EEUU)

    3) [de reloj] hairspring
    4) [de diamante] flaw
    5) (=grieta) hairline crack
    6) (=sierra) hacksaw blade

    a pelo *

    cabalgar o montar a pelo — to ride bareback

    hacerlo a pelo[sexualmente] to have unprotected sex

    está más guapa a pelo que con maquillaje — she's prettier just as she is, without her make-up on

    ir a pelo(=sin sombrero) to go bareheaded; (=desnudo) to be stark naked

    pasar el mono a pelo[de drogas] to go through cold turkey

    al pelo *

    te queda al pelo — it looks great on you, it fits like a glove

    ¡se te va a caer el pelo! — you're (in) for it now!

    ¡Juan viene a cenar y yo con estos pelos! — Juan is coming to dinner and look at the state I'm in!

    así nos luce el pelo — and that's the awful state we're in, that's why we're so badly off

    pasó el examen por los pelos — he passed the exam by the skin of his teeth, he scraped through the exam

    punta 1., 2)

    un pelo * (=un poco)

    no se mueve un pelo de aire o viento — there isn't a breath of wind stirring

    no afloja un pelo Cono Sur he won't give an inch

    * * *
    1) ( de personas) hair

    pelo rizado/liso or lacio — curly/straight hair

    tiene un pelo divinoshe has lovely o beautiful hair

    al pelo — (fam)

    la falda le quedó al pelothe skirt looked great on her

    andar or estar con los pelos de punta — (CS fam) to be in a real state (colloq)

    caérsele el pelo a alguien: se me cae el pelo my hair is falling out; se le está cayendo el pelo he's losing his hair; como te descubran se te va a caer el pelo if you get found out, you'll be for it o you've had it (colloq); con estos pelos (fam): y yo con estos pelos! look at the state I'm in!; con pelos y señales (fam) down to the last detail; de medio pelo (fam) <película/jugador> second-rate; echar el pelo (Chi fam) to live it up (colloq); no tiene pelos en la lengua (fam) he doesn't mince his words; no tienes/tiene (ni) un pelo de tonto (fam) you're/he's no fool; no verle el pelo a alguien (fam) not to see hide nor hair of somebody (colloq); ya no te vemos el pelo por aquí we never see you around here any more; ponerle a alguien los pelos de punta (fam) ( aterrorizar) to make somebody's hair stand on end (colloq); ( poner neurótico) (AmL) to drive somebody crazy o mad; por los pelos (fam) only just; se me/le ponen los pelos de punta (fam) it sends shivers down my/his spine, it makes my/his hair stand on end; tirarse de los pelos (fam): estaba que se tiraba de los pelos he was at his wit's end, he was tearing his hair out (in desperation); tocarle un pelo a alguien to lay a finger on somebody; tomarle el pelo a alguien (fam) ( bromeando) to pull somebody's leg (colloq); ( burlándose) to mess around with somebody (AmE), to mess somebody around (BrE); traído por or de los pelos — farfetched

    2) (fam) ( poco)
    3) (Zool) ( filamento) hair; (pelaje - de perro, gato) hair, fur; (- de conejo, oso) fur

    montar a or (CS) en pelo — to ride bareback

    4) ( de alfombra) pile
    * * *
    = hair, bristle.
    Ex. They are followed in turn by the see and see also references to the heading: HEAD see also BRAIN; EAR; EYE; FACE; hair; NOSE.
    Ex. A linear equation system is derived to calculate the physical deflection of bristles according to the force exerted on them from the surface of the paper.
    * abundancia de pelo = hair coat.
    * aclarar el pelo = lighten + Posesivo + hair.
    * alisador del pelo = straightener, hair straightener.
    * apartarse el pelo de los ojos = flick + Posesivo + hair out of + Posesivo + eyes.
    * arrancarse el pelo a manojos = tear + Posesivo + hair out.
    * arreglarse el pelo = primp.
    * cable de pelos = stranded wire.
    * caída de pelo = hair loss.
    * champú para el pelo = hair shampoo.
    * con forma de pelo = hair-like.
    * con pelo cano = gray-haired, grey-haired.
    * con pelos y señales = blow-by-blow.
    * corte de pelo = hair cut.
    * del grosor de un pelo = hairline.
    * de medio pelo = small-time.
    * de pelo cano = gray-haired, grey-haired.
    * de pelo espeso y tieso = bushy-haired.
    * de pelo negro = dark-haired.
    * de pelo oscuro = dark-haired.
    * erizar los pelos = bristle.
    * escapar por los pelos = have + a close call, have + a narrow escape, have + a lucky escape, have + a close shave.
    * escape por los pelos = close call, close shave.
    * estilo de pelo = hairstyle.
    * fisura del grosor de un pelo = hairline fracture.
    * goma del pelo = hair bobble.
    * grieta del grosor de un pelo = hairline crack.
    * horquilla del pelo = hair grip.
    * horquilla para el pelo = bobby pin.
    * implante de pelo = hair implant.
    * lavado de pelo = shampooing.
    * lavarse el pelo = shampoo + Posesivo + hair, wash + Posesive + hair.
    * lavarse el pelo con champú = shampoo + Posesivo + hair.
    * manta de pelo = hair coat.
    * nacimiento del pelo = hairline.
    * no tener ni un pelo de tonto = there are no flies (on/about) + Pronombre.
    * no tener pelos en lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * parecido a los pelos = hair-like.
    * pelo de caballo = horsehair.
    * pelo gris = grey hair [gray hair].
    * pelo lacio = straight hair.
    * pelo liso = straight hair.
    * pelos y señales = chapter and verse.
    * pérdida de pelo = hair loss.
    * pinza del pelo = hair claw.
    * pinzas del pelo = hair clip.
    * poner los pelos de punta = bristle, scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, frighten + Nombre + to death, make + Posesivo + hair stand on end, scare + the hell out of.
    * por los pelos = by the skin of + Posesivo + teeth, close call, close shave.
    * redecilla para el pelo = hairnet.
    * rizador del pelo = curler.
    * salvado por los pelos = saved by the bell.
    * salvarse por los pelos = have + a narrow escape, have + a lucky escape, have + a close call, have + a close shave.
    * secador de pelo = hairdryer, blow-dryer.
    * sexo a pelo = unprotected sex.
    * sin pelo = hairless.
    * sin pelos en la lengua = outspokenly.
    * sin venir a pelo = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * suavizante del pelo = hair conditioner.
    * tener pelos en la lengua = mince + words.
    * tirarse de los pelos = tear + Posesivo + hair out.
    * tocarle un pelo a = lay + a finger on.
    * tomadura de pelo = ribbing.
    * tomar el pelo = tease, twit, taunt.
    * tomarle el pelo a = make + fun of.
    * * *
    1) ( de personas) hair

    pelo rizado/liso or lacio — curly/straight hair

    tiene un pelo divinoshe has lovely o beautiful hair

    al pelo — (fam)

    la falda le quedó al pelothe skirt looked great on her

    andar or estar con los pelos de punta — (CS fam) to be in a real state (colloq)

    caérsele el pelo a alguien: se me cae el pelo my hair is falling out; se le está cayendo el pelo he's losing his hair; como te descubran se te va a caer el pelo if you get found out, you'll be for it o you've had it (colloq); con estos pelos (fam): y yo con estos pelos! look at the state I'm in!; con pelos y señales (fam) down to the last detail; de medio pelo (fam) <película/jugador> second-rate; echar el pelo (Chi fam) to live it up (colloq); no tiene pelos en la lengua (fam) he doesn't mince his words; no tienes/tiene (ni) un pelo de tonto (fam) you're/he's no fool; no verle el pelo a alguien (fam) not to see hide nor hair of somebody (colloq); ya no te vemos el pelo por aquí we never see you around here any more; ponerle a alguien los pelos de punta (fam) ( aterrorizar) to make somebody's hair stand on end (colloq); ( poner neurótico) (AmL) to drive somebody crazy o mad; por los pelos (fam) only just; se me/le ponen los pelos de punta (fam) it sends shivers down my/his spine, it makes my/his hair stand on end; tirarse de los pelos (fam): estaba que se tiraba de los pelos he was at his wit's end, he was tearing his hair out (in desperation); tocarle un pelo a alguien to lay a finger on somebody; tomarle el pelo a alguien (fam) ( bromeando) to pull somebody's leg (colloq); ( burlándose) to mess around with somebody (AmE), to mess somebody around (BrE); traído por or de los pelos — farfetched

    2) (fam) ( poco)
    3) (Zool) ( filamento) hair; (pelaje - de perro, gato) hair, fur; (- de conejo, oso) fur

    montar a or (CS) en pelo — to ride bareback

    4) ( de alfombra) pile
    * * *
    = hair, bristle.

    Ex: They are followed in turn by the see and see also references to the heading: HEAD see also BRAIN; EAR; EYE; FACE; hair; NOSE.

    Ex: A linear equation system is derived to calculate the physical deflection of bristles according to the force exerted on them from the surface of the paper.
    * abundancia de pelo = hair coat.
    * aclarar el pelo = lighten + Posesivo + hair.
    * alisador del pelo = straightener, hair straightener.
    * apartarse el pelo de los ojos = flick + Posesivo + hair out of + Posesivo + eyes.
    * arrancarse el pelo a manojos = tear + Posesivo + hair out.
    * arreglarse el pelo = primp.
    * cable de pelos = stranded wire.
    * caída de pelo = hair loss.
    * champú para el pelo = hair shampoo.
    * con forma de pelo = hair-like.
    * con pelo cano = gray-haired, grey-haired.
    * con pelos y señales = blow-by-blow.
    * corte de pelo = hair cut.
    * del grosor de un pelo = hairline.
    * de medio pelo = small-time.
    * de pelo cano = gray-haired, grey-haired.
    * de pelo espeso y tieso = bushy-haired.
    * de pelo negro = dark-haired.
    * de pelo oscuro = dark-haired.
    * erizar los pelos = bristle.
    * escapar por los pelos = have + a close call, have + a narrow escape, have + a lucky escape, have + a close shave.
    * escape por los pelos = close call, close shave.
    * estilo de pelo = hairstyle.
    * fisura del grosor de un pelo = hairline fracture.
    * goma del pelo = hair bobble.
    * grieta del grosor de un pelo = hairline crack.
    * horquilla del pelo = hair grip.
    * horquilla para el pelo = bobby pin.
    * implante de pelo = hair implant.
    * lavado de pelo = shampooing.
    * lavarse el pelo = shampoo + Posesivo + hair, wash + Posesive + hair.
    * lavarse el pelo con champú = shampoo + Posesivo + hair.
    * manta de pelo = hair coat.
    * nacimiento del pelo = hairline.
    * no tener ni un pelo de tonto = there are no flies (on/about) + Pronombre.
    * no tener pelos en lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * parecido a los pelos = hair-like.
    * pelo de caballo = horsehair.
    * pelo gris = grey hair [gray hair].
    * pelo lacio = straight hair.
    * pelo liso = straight hair.
    * pelos y señales = chapter and verse.
    * pérdida de pelo = hair loss.
    * pinza del pelo = hair claw.
    * pinzas del pelo = hair clip.
    * poner los pelos de punta = bristle, scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, frighten + Nombre + to death, make + Posesivo + hair stand on end, scare + the hell out of.
    * por los pelos = by the skin of + Posesivo + teeth, close call, close shave.
    * redecilla para el pelo = hairnet.
    * rizador del pelo = curler.
    * salvado por los pelos = saved by the bell.
    * salvarse por los pelos = have + a narrow escape, have + a lucky escape, have + a close call, have + a close shave.
    * secador de pelo = hairdryer, blow-dryer.
    * sexo a pelo = unprotected sex.
    * sin pelo = hairless.
    * sin pelos en la lengua = outspokenly.
    * sin venir a pelo = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * suavizante del pelo = hair conditioner.
    * tener pelos en la lengua = mince + words.
    * tirarse de los pelos = tear + Posesivo + hair out.
    * tocarle un pelo a = lay + a finger on.
    * tomadura de pelo = ribbing.
    * tomar el pelo = tease, twit, taunt.
    * tomarle el pelo a = make + fun of.

    * * *
    pelo rizado/liso or lacio curly/straight hair
    tengo que ir a cortarme el pelo I have to go and have my hair cut
    tiene un pelo divino she has lovely o beautiful hair
    tiene mucho pelo he has really thick hair
    siempre lleva el pelo suelto she always wears her hair down o loose
    me encontré un pelo en la sopa I found a hair in my soup
    al pelo ( fam); great ( colloq)
    la falda le quedó al pelo the skirt looked great on her, she looked great in the skirt
    el dinero extra me viene al pelo the extra money is just what I need
    ¿cómo se portó el coche? — al pelo ( Col); how did the car go? — just great o spot on ( colloq)
    andar or estar con los pelos de punta (CS fam); to be in a real state ( colloq)
    caérsele el pelo a algn: se le está cayendo el pelo he's losing his hair
    como te descubran se te va a caer el pelo if you get found out, you'll be for it o you've had it ( colloq)
    con estos pelos ( fam): ¡llegan dentro de media hora, y yo con estos pelos! they're arriving in half an hour and look at the state I'm in!
    con pelos y señales ( fam): me contó su viaje con pelos y señales she gave me a blow-by-blow account of her trip, she described her trip down to the last detail
    lo describió con pelos y señales she gave a very detailed description of him
    de medio pelo ( fam); ‹película/jugador› second-rate
    le regaló un anillo de medio pelo he gave her a rather tacky ring
    echar el pelo ( Chi fam); to live it up ( colloq), to have a good time ( colloq)
    no tiene pelos en la lengua ( fam); he doesn't mince his words
    no tiene/tienes (ni) un pelo de tonto ( fam); you're/he's no fool, there are no flies on you/him ( colloq)
    no verle el pelo a algn ( fam); not to see hide nor hair of sb ( colloq)
    hace mucho que no se le ve el pelo nobody's seen hide nor hair of him for ages
    ya no te vemos el pelo por aquí we never see you around here any more
    ponerle a algn los pelos de punta ( fam) (aterrorizar) to make sb's hair stand on end ( colloq) (poner neurótico) ( AmL) to drive sb crazy o mad
    por los pelos ( fam); only just
    se libró por los pelos de que lo detuvieran he narrowly o only just escaped being arrested
    aprobó el examen por los pelos he just scraped through the exam (by the skin of his teeth)
    por un pelo ( AmL); just
    me salvé por un pelo I escaped by the skin of my teeth ( colloq)
    perdí el autobús por un pelo I just missed the bus, I missed the bus by a few seconds
    por un pelo no llego al banco I only just got to the bank in time
    se me/le erizaron los pelos ( fam); it sent shivers down my/his spine, it made my/his hair stand on end
    se me/le ponen los pelos de punta ( fam); it sends shivers down my/his spine, it makes my/his hair stand on end
    tirado de los pelos ( fam); farfetched
    tirarse de los pelos ( fam): estaba que se tiraba de los pelos he was at his wit's end, he was tearing his hair out (in desperation)
    tocarle un pelo a algn to lay a finger on sb
    tomarle el pelo a algn ( fam): no va en serio, te están tomando el pelo they don't mean it, they're only joking o teasing o ( colloq) pulling your leg
    me están tomando el pelo, ya me han cambiado la fecha cuatro veces they're messing me around, this is the fourth time they've changed the date
    B ( fam)
    (poco): se han pasado un pelo they've gone a bit too far o ( BrE colloq) a bit over the top
    no me fío (ni) un pelo de ese tipo I don't trust that guy an inch
    no quiso aflojar (ni) un pelo he refused to budge an inch
    te queda un pelito corta it's a tiny o a wee bit short for you
    C ( Zool) (filamento) hair; (pelaje — de un perro, gato) hair, fur; (— de un conejo, oso) fur
    el gato va dejando pelos por toda la casa the cat leaves hairs all over the house
    la perra me dejó llena de pelos I got covered with dog-hairs
    un perro pequeño de pelo largo a small, long-haired dog
    montar a or ( RPl) en pelo to ride bareback
    ser pelos de la cola ( Chi fam); to be nothing
    angora, angora wool
    elephant hair
    una alfombra de pelo largo a shag-pile carpet
    este suéter suelta mucho pelo this sweater leaves a lot of fluff everywhere
    * * *


    Del verbo pelar: ( conjugate pelar)

    pelo es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    peló es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    pelar ( conjugate pelar) verbo transitivo
    a)fruta/zanahoria to peel;

    habas/marisco to shell;
    caramelo to unwrap
    b) ave to pluck

    2 ( rapar): lo peloon al cero or al rape they cropped his hair very short
    3 (fam) ( en el juego) to clean … out (colloq)
    4 (Chi fam) ‹ persona to badmouth (AmE colloq), to slag off (BrE colloq)
    pelarse verbo pronominal ( a causa del sol) [ persona] to peel;
    [cara/hombros] (+ me/te/le etc) to peel;

    pelo sustantivo masculino
    1 ( de personas) hair;
    pelo rizado/liso or lacio curly/straight hair;
    tiene mucho/poco pelo he has really thick/thin hair;

    llevar el pelo suelto to wear one's hair down o loose;
    se le está cayendo el pelo he's losing his hair;
    con pelos y señales (fam) down to the last detail;
    no tiene pelos en la lengua (fam) he doesn't mince his words;
    se me/le ponen los pelos de punta (fam) it sends shivers down my/his spine, it makes my/his hair stand on end;
    tomarle el pelo a algn (fam) ( bromeando) to pull sb's leg (colloq);

    ( burlándose) to mess around with sb (AmE), to mess sb around (BrE)
    2 (Zool) ( filamento) hair;
    ( pelaje — de perro, gato) hair, fur;
    (— de conejo, oso) fur;

    3 ( de alfombra) pile
    pelar verbo transitivo
    1 (piel, fruta) to peel
    2 (un ave) to pluck
    3 fam (cortar el pelo a) to cut the hair of
    ♦ Locuciones: hace un frío que pela, it's freezing cold
    duro de pelar, a hard nut
    pelo sustantivo masculino
    1 (de una persona) hair
    2 (de un animal) coat, fur
    ♦ Locuciones: caérsele el pelo a alguien: si te pescan, se te va a caer el pelo, if they catch you, you'll get it
    no tener un pelo de tonto, to be no fool
    no tener pelos en la lengua, not to mince words
    poner los pelos de punta, to give the creeps
    tomarle el pelo a alguien, to pull sb's leg
    venir al pelo, to come just right
    con pelos y señales, in full detail
    por los pelos, by the skin of one's teeth
    ' pelo' also found in these entries:
    - ahuecar
    - alisarse
    - arremolinarse
    - barba
    - caerse
    - caída
    - calva
    - canosa
    - canoso
    - caracol
    - castaña
    - castaño
    - cepillarse
    - cepillo
    - cerda
    - cero
    - cinta
    - comer
    - copete
    - cortarse
    - corte
    - crespa
    - crespo
    - de
    - decir
    - decolorarse
    - diadema
    - el
    - enjuagar
    - enredar
    - enredarse
    - erizar
    - estropajosa
    - estropajoso
    - fastidiar
    - fijador
    - fosca
    - fosco
    - ir
    - gancho
    - goma
    - grasa
    - grasienta
    - grasiento
    - graso
    - horquilla
    - laca
    - lazada
    - llevar
    - arrange
    - artificial
    - balding
    - bareback
    - bleach
    - blow-dry
    - bob
    - body
    - braid
    - bristle
    - brush
    - bun
    - bushy
    - clip
    - coat
    - come out
    - conditioner
    - consent
    - crew cut
    - crop
    - curl
    - dark
    - deceive
    - disheveled
    - dishevelled
    - do
    - dye
    - fair
    - fall out
    - false
    - flowing
    - fly
    - fool
    - fringe
    - frizzy
    - fur
    - fuzzy
    - gel
    - get
    - ginger
    - glossy
    - greasy
    - grey
    - grey-haired
    - grow
    - hair
    - hair-clippers
    - hair-conditioner
    - hair-restorer
    * * *
    pelo nm
    1. [cabello] hair;
    hay un pelo en la sopa there's a hair in my soup;
    la bañera estaba llena de pelos the bathtub was full of hairs;
    se me está cayendo el pelo I'm losing my hair;
    tiene un pelo rubio precioso she has lovely fair hair;
    llevar o [m5] tener el pelo de punta to have spiky hair;
    cortarse el pelo [uno mismo] to cut one's (own) hair;
    [en peluquería] to have one's hair cut;
    teñirse el pelo to dye one's hair;
    llevar el pelo recogido/suelto to wear one's hair up/loose;
    se le va a caer el pelo he'll be in big trouble;
    Méx Fam
    de pelos [muy bien] great;
    Chile Fam
    echar el pelo to chill;
    estar hasta los pelos to be fed up;
    así te luce el pelo: no estudias nada y así te luce el pelo en los exámenes you never study and it shows in your exam results;
    de medio pelo second-rate;
    te voy a dar para el pelo I'm going to give you what for;
    por los pelos, por un pelo by the skin of one's teeth, only just;
    CSur Fam
    andar o [m5] estar con los pelos de punta to be strung-out;
    poner a alguien los pelos de punta to make sb's hair stand on end;
    se me pusieron los pelos de punta it made my hair stand on end;
    con pelos y señales with all the details;
    no tiene pelos en la lengua she doesn't mince her words;
    no tiene un pelo de tonto he's nobody's fool;
    soltarse el pelo to let one's hair down;
    tirarse de los pelos [de desesperación] to tear one's hair out;
    tocar un pelo (de la ropa) a alguien [hacerle daño] to lay a finger on sb;
    no le toqué un pelo I never touched her, I never laid a finger on her;
    tomar el pelo a alguien to pull sb's leg;
    traído por los pelos [argumento, hipótesis] farfetched;
    venir a pelo [en la conversación, discusión] to be relevant;
    venir al pelo a alguien to be just right for sb;
    no ver el pelo a alguien not to see hide nor hair of sb;
    ¡y yo con estos pelos!: ¡mi novio ha llegado y yo con estos pelos! my boyfriend's arrived and I am in such a state o look such a mess!
    2. [pelaje] [de oso, conejo, gato] fur;
    [de perro, caballo] coat;
    a pelo: montar (a caballo) a o RP [m5] en pelo to ride bareback;
    presentarse a un examen a pelo to go to an exam unprepared;
    Esp muy Fam
    follar a pelo to ride bareback [have unprotected sex]
    pelo de camello [tejido] camel hair
    3. [de melocotón] down
    4. [de una tela, tejido] nap;
    [de alfombra] pile;
    este jersey suelta mucho pelo o [m5] muchos pelos this jumper leaves a lot of hairs everywhere
    5. Fam [pizca, poquito]
    échame un pelo más de ginebra could I have a smidgin o tad more gin?;
    pasarse un pelo to go a bit too far;
    no me gusta (ni) un pelo ese tipo I don't like that guy at all
    * * *
    1 de persona, de perro hair;
    tiene el pelo muy largo he has very long hair;
    por los pelos fam by a hair’s-breadth, by a whisker fam ;
    por un pelo just, barely;
    los pelos se me ponen de punta fig my hair stands on end;
    tirarse de los pelos fig fam tear one’s hair out;
    traído por los pelos fig far-fetched;
    soltarse el pelo fig fam let one’s hair down fam
    2 de animal fur;
    a pelo fam ( sin preparación) unprepared;
    montar a pelo ride bareback;
    tomar el pelo a alguien fam pull s.o.’s leg fam ;
    con pelos y señales in minute detail;
    (ni) un pelo not at all;
    no tiene un pelo de tonto fig fam there are no flies on him fam, he’s no fool;
    no tener pelos en la lengua fig fam not mince one’s words fam
    * * *
    pelo nm
    1) : hair
    2) : fur
    3) : pile, nap
    a pelo : bareback
    con pelos y señales : in great detail
    no tener pelos en la lengua : to not mince words, to be blunt
    tomarle el pelo a alguien : to tease someone, to pull someone's leg
    * * *
    pelo n
    1. (en general) hair

    Spanish-English dictionary > pelo

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